Looking for some extra cash? Earning extra money from playing games is a common thing these days. Starting from the game Axie Infinity, cyball, bombCrypto, Pegaxy, and other games that are very productive at the beginning of the release.
All of these games are not Free to Earn, almost all of these games require capital to start the game. Over time, the gamers community began to offer scholarships for its community members, namely by providing access to play blockchain-based games which then the income is shared between the community and players. Various kinds of revenue sharing ranging from 20% to 80% are offered by these communities.
GuildFi is one of the larger gamers communities. They also offer quite fantastic profit sharing for their players. Starting from 35% to 100% of the results for the players. Applying for a scholarship is also very simple, just buy player tickets at the GuildFi … Read the rest